The JP Hindin Page!
Welcome to my page!

I'm flattered that you have crossed the 'net to find me... This is my little slice of the web to share with you, out there.
Enjoy ;)

 General information about me (29th Jan, 2002)
 Guestbook - Please sign it! (8th April, 2002)
Two of my hobbies
 My computer junk
 My Cars
Random pictures - some of these are extremely old (I've had this site since '96) - and some of them are not very good resolution/size because of how old they are. Suck it up. I doubt they're of much interest to you anyway.
 Complete picture gallery (Added December 2008)
 Pictures of my son, Tam (September 2006)
 Pictures of me [gasp] (May 2000)
 Halloween 2005 Party at Pralle's
 Halloween 2004 Party at Pralle's
 Halloween 2003 (Pralle's Place)
 A Pictorial of my Life (Sept 2003)
 Lots of wedding pictures (29th Jan, 2002)
 21st Birthday pictures (30th July, 2k)
 Me with my Kate (1998 & 2000)
 Life in America, 2005 and then some. (3rd January 2005)
 America, 2001 and beyond. A collection. (February 2004)
 America, 2000
 America, 1998/1999
 Pictures of my family (13th April 2003)
 Pictures of my old school friends (kinda)
 General pictures
Where I used to work a long, long time ago.
 Wigram Motor Rating, as of 1999
 Contact me

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