JPs Scrolls

Mon Oct 3 16:37:14 2022 Pica Delphon , pica .dot. delphon @at@ gmail .dot. com
You still alive, Hope you and your Family are Doing Well, I miss seeing you Computer Collection, and have you got any of the Big Mainframes up and fully Running...

Mon Oct 3 16:36:36 2022 Pica Delphon , pica .dot. delphon @at@ gmail .dot. com
You still alive, Hope you and your Family are Doing Well, I miss seeing you Computer Collection, and have you got any of the Big Mainframes up and fully Running...

Mon Oct 3 16:36:10 2022 Pica Delphon , pica .dot. delphon @at@ gmail .dot. com
You still alive, Hope you and your Family are Doing Well, I miss seeing you Computer Collection, and have you got any of the Big Mainframes up and fully Running...

Mon Oct 3 16:35:35 2022 Pica Delphon , pica .dot. delphon @at@ gmail .dot. com
You still alive, Hope you and your Family are Doing Well, I miss seeing you Computer Collection, and have you got any of the Big Mainframes up and fully Running...

Mon Oct 3 16:35:09 2022 Pica Delphon , pica .dot. delphon @at@ gmail .dot. com
You still alive, Hope you and your Family are Doing Well, I miss seeing you Computer Collection, and have you got any of the Big Mainframes up and fully Running...

Tue Feb 8 15:09:56 2022 Jack , jackberry @at@ outlook .dot. com
I've been watching your videos on YouTube for a long time now. Super jealous of your sun/sgi collection;) I just came across your site while looking at pictures of Sun 4/260s :)

Hope you're doing well!

Tue Aug 16 06:41:09 2016 Glenn McMillan , glenn @at@ likeaboss .dot. co .dot. nz
Randomly found this place while I was being inspired by search results from the word "geek" on Google! :)

Mon Sep 29 12:08:12 2014 Ekadasi Newton , qqmajikpp @at@ gmail .dot. com
i like to revisit once in a while. thanx again for the kvm pinout

Fri Apr 4 15:35:31 2014 B FRAAAAAAAAAAN , benguy12 @at@ live .dot. com
throwback to the past! this website is rad.

Not enough updates.

Tue Oct 5 05:23:44 2010 Jeremy , Slashtar05 @at@ gmail .dot. com
Interesting site you have. The software sounds interesting. A talker huh, MUDs are even more fun. I have a simple mud serve that i'm writing in Java.

Searching 'Performa 6300' on google is a good way to find your site. Following good web tradition, I have followed to the rest of your site and found it good. :) So I will sign your guestbook.

Tue Oct 5 05:20:35 2010 ,

Wed May 5 13:12:14 2010 Don Smith , scotcherokee @at@ yahoo .dot. com
Nice to see such happy faces and the new additions to the family. You sure look different in the short hair paul. Life is good.

Thu Feb 18 20:58:59 2010 ,
this is spam

Thu Feb 18 20:58:27 2010 ,

Mon Dec 7 11:17:35 2009 Mandy Strother , dingokid80 @at@ yahoo .dot. com
Just looked at pics! Let us know when we can come by to see Jack. He is adorable!

Wed Nov 29 19:50:58 2006 Heidi Crabtree-Hastings , heidicr97 @at@ gmail .dot. com
Hi, I just heard about your baby; congrats! He is really cute.

Mon Nov 27 13:59:23 2006 janehindin , janehindin @at@ hotmail .dot. com
I typed a whole message before. Why didn't it show up? Because I'm dumbdumbdumb.

Mon Nov 27 13:54:59 2006 jane hindin , janehindin @at@ hotmail .dot. com
hello my loves, I'm just now working my way through your websomething(webpage,website)It's hard to believe that with two such clever, techno-savvy sons, it has taken me three months to find out how to get myself a email account! Anyway, my love to you and Kate and Tamxxx

Sat Jan 21 06:06:35 2006 Sarah McGeechan , sarah .dot. mcgeechan @at@ anzcofoods .dot. com
Hi Paul and Kate - Your mum (Paul) gave me this website address ages ago so that I could see pics of Thomas. Been busy . . forgot . . . yadda yadda yadda. He looks really cute. I can't see him looking like either of you at the moment, I'm sure he will in time. I'm living in your old town now (Christchurch). I'm enjoying it down here.
Take care. Hear from you guys soon.

Tue Sep 27 14:17:09 2005 Paul , quadlink @at@ hotmail .dot. com
HI, i have a Toshiba T1200 laptop in my loft, and as far as i know its working and got the original carry case and power supply, not checked for a long time and dont remember if ive got the original doc's, anyway could i ask you if its worth any money ?? many thanks

Tue Aug 16 16:02:04 2005 ds , can't get in it
fine picture of the fuzz-peace

Thu Jul 7 16:08:17 2005 brian moseley , bmose14 @at@ hotmail .dot. com
hey kiwi geek. great little site. i really liked your sunset pictures. I guess you live in wellington? I live in Missouri (US). I'm 20 and go to college.. or university as you say.
my dad and i took a trip to NZ when I was 13. We loved it so much, my mom and brother just took a trip there last month. Beautiful country. Anyway, i have a couple websites that i am jsut starting to develop. I would like to put a link to your site on one of my sites. is that cool?

later, -Brian

Sat Jun 18 18:13:19 2005 Tom and Angela , tomangela2 @at@ kol .dot. co .dot. nz
Just looking [at the site that is].
Good to see you all, and meet Kate's folks.
Take care of each other. T & A.

Fri Mar 4 18:05:04 2005 ,
Hey Paul - I'll look forward to the car in it's finished condition! P.S. - one of your pics in 2001 is with CA not Kate, as labelled.

Cousin Chris

Tue Mar 1 00:41:56 2005 DS , cscprodigalsonsmc @at@ fastmail,fm
hey kids, nice to see pics of the family. I traveled about 40,000 mi working for a bit, have taken some time off to heal up physically and emotionally. went back to work 2 weeks ago. the kids are good. life is moving on. still painful at times, am very grateful to have had Carol and your family in my life. God bless and take care. DS

Wed Feb 23 09:10:41 2005 Joe Guinan , spitfirejoe @at@ email .dot. com
Where in the great state of Iowa do you reside? I'm westward across the smaller of Iowa's two border rivers in Nebraska. I know a few GT6 and Spitfire enthusisasts in Iowa, so could probably get you in touch with them.

Sat Jan 29 03:51:57 2005 amatol ,
first one for 2005 :)

Wed Nov 17 04:51:35 2004 Jay Utz , jayutz1 @at@ aol .dot. com
Jp, long time buddy! It's CJ aka: computerjunky from tzone...

You should come around more often!

Thu Oct 28 11:12:40 2004 phenol , phenol @at@ excite .dot. com
Greetings JPaul, Glad you're doing so well. My but you have S*%# load of computer stuff. I thought I was bad :) My best to Vos.
- Phenol, retired wizard

Fri Dec 26 18:11:45 2003 Isaac , ralff_malff @at@ hotmail .dot. com
Hey Paul!!! I got told your email address, so I decided to find out what actually is, and it just happens to be your personal webpage! how fortuitous of me. Anyway, I've given you my email address, and hopefully you'll get in contact.

Thu Dec 11 23:09:26 2003 andrew , andrew @at@ at @at@ corbis dot co dot new zealand
hello from christchurch new zealand.

Sat Nov 29 22:24:30 2003 Ayessa , ayessa22 @at@ hotmail .dot. com
The halloween pics were hilarious, you and pralle crack me up. And I am glad to finally understand the disapperance of your hair. I can understand your simple pleasure though, Ive seen your shower pressure. LOL All my love to you and the wife. (hiyas VOS) Take care of you both..... Ayessa

Tue Nov 11 13:50:43 2003 Treefrog ,
aaah! i'm using the computer at school and i can feel the internet coursing through my veins once again...good god i miss it. we're trying to figure out which service to use, probably juno...or something. i don't know. i hope i get it back soon. oh! i wasn't home when you called, but i figured it out from the caller id. and the romans were the first to call the french the rooster. it comes from their gallic heritage. :-D miss everybody!

Sun Nov 2 23:54:12 2003 ol' auntie ;) , awsmlawson @at@ mchsi .dot. com
hmmmmm, I'm saving the halloween pics for last - but this is fun to ready again. Amazing it's been that long that we came to see you in NZ. If I moved to Alaska, would you come see me?

Sun Sep 7 05:22:19 2003 Celestia , celestiabnight @at@ yahoo .dot. com
Hi. I was just looking for a particular image (the kiwi preparation image) that a friend of mine showed me was here... she's one of JP's ex-girlfriend's, I guess. I just got home from NZ a few months ago- why did you ever leave?! So beautiful...

Wed Mar 19 23:42:59 2003 Doug ,
I love it!!! Especially the early years and the Charlie Manson look........LOL

Fri Mar 7 04:26:48 2003 John , you know where!
It's now 10:26pm.... just saw Bowling for Columbine, awsome movie.... Made me think!

My head hurts now tho!

Mon Dec 2 12:45:55 2002 Sonja Vosburg , svosburg @at@ hampton-dumont .dot. k12 .dot. ia .dot. us
Hi, son-in-law. Had to drop by to see the great tree hunt. Hope we get sdome good pictures when it goes up! Love you. SAV

Sat Sep 21 21:33:54 2002 bebe , beck0912 @at@ yahoo .dot. com
Hi :)
Nice pictures!

Thu Sep 12 00:33:43 2002 brandoo , brandoo @at@ you .dot. know
Heh - OMG :)

I did actually read some of your stuff JP.... hope to see you soon eh!

Wed Aug 14 19:09:23 2002 Ttthiiiisguy , thisguyz @at@ iastate .dot. edu
err I mean get yourselves a good nickname...wasn't thinking when I typed kiwi is a fruit :) mind was saying he's a fruitcake...hand's rebelled and typed kiwi is a fruit...what am I to do? :) stewardesses (had to chop off right hand to get the other one to listen so that's the only word I can type now) stewardesses stewardesses stewardesses

Wed Aug 14 19:05:24 2002 Ttthiiiisguy , thsiguyz @at@ iastate .dot. edu
Hey...I've known you for what? over a year? and still not a picture of me on your site. You don't even have pictures from the Real wedding up...which could have me in it...somewhere...I'm heading off to college...and I'll likely talk to you everyday on TFB...but if I ever come back and visit I'll act like I haven't seen you in ages, get all excited...and my voice will crack...rocketing me back into puberty :)..neway well organized page...and a kiwi IS a don't see us Americans calling ourselves Corn or Oranges or Turkeys or something like that do you? at least you're not the French...they call themselves Les Coqs...

Mon Aug 12 19:06:13 2002 Nate , natedac @at@ daconcepts .dot. org (not up right now)
Blah, one more post to add to the guestbook. See? you're NOT the only schmuck you posted. :)

Mon Aug 12 19:06:11 2002 Nate , natedac @at@ daconcepts .dot. org (not up right now)
Blah, one more post to add to the guestbook. See? you're NOT the only schmuck you posted. :)

Tue Apr 16 01:22:53 2002 Chuck , scheidch @at@ luther .dot. edu
Your guestbook is as empty as mine. Nobody likes signing guestbooks, it takes away too much of their valuable time that they wouldn't have used for anything useful in the first place. Go figure.

Sat Apr 13 20:40:55 2002 jonathan , coder @at@ frythis .dot. mindspring .dot. com
Nice pictures of the computer hoard. I should do something like this with mine...

Wed Mar 20 20:15:45 2002 Rebeccah , Rebeccah .dot. Hindin-Miller @at@ nrma .dot. co .dot. nz
Kia ora sweetest cousin of mine,
Well, I see you ARE sadly lacking in the entries department, but don't fret, I've got the situation under control!
I'm at work, still training new peeps to be like me (och, God bless corporate bullshit) - I'm crazy (yes I use the word prolifically, that's becasue it comes in handy in any given situation! Have you forgotten me since you moved to the stinking US of A? I've always been quirky. It's a Hindin thing for God's sake!)
Well, I'd like everyone to know that Cousin Paul is a wonderful lad, well liked, extremely bogan (he he he) and almost as cool as the rest of his family.
When are you coming home? And what's this about you and sheep? PLEASE tell me someone's hassling you :p
That's about all I've got - still doing the technophobe thing; this is my first ever e-guestbook entry. How exciting :)
Ok love you heaps, oh, Kate I hope you're all healed up, make sure my cousin's treating you like a queen! Love to you too
Ok, ps I think I got over-excited about this entry, so sorry for the novel :) (Sweet smile)

Tue Mar 12 17:12:58 2002 Pralle , tarsi @at@ binhost .dot. com
You have to wonder why it's called a guestbook when you didn't invite people there in the first page. Then again, I guess I was invited to come, so here I am. Guest #blahblah. Welcome to this page. As the official guest of the Jpaul Hindin page, I would like to welcome anyone else who happens to make their guest apprenticeship here. (I'm not a full-fledged guest yet, I have a few years training yet to do.) So while you browse, think of me, think of life, and don't fall into that nasty hole on the last page that someone carelessly left there. (Actually, I think it was some sort of rodent that left it, but I can't be sure.) Jpaul is a crazy guy, ain't he? And you should see his wife. :) Computer man, cat man, sheep man, silly man. Put caffeine and a couple sticks of DDR together and you have Jpaul. (Damn you! Back! Back, damn spot!)

Anywho...yeah. :) Nice guestbook, love the colour scheme. It matches my pearls.

Tue Mar 12 17:08:43 2002 yo mama , 666death @at@ satan .dot. hel
Yo, this is pyro. I have signed it!

Tue Mar 12 17:03:09 2002 JP Hindin , jphindin @at@ globe .dot. net .dot. nz
Yea, okay, I admit. The guestbook has been broken recently.
So sue me.
It's fixed. Honest. I rewrote it to make it simpler.

Tue Jan 15 22:01:55 2002 starbuck , platinum_canary @at@ msn .dot. com
I wuz hair. Heh. How's that for redneck?
One day I'll show you my page. All I have now is an online diary, which I'm not sharing. Anyway, lyke I sed, I wuz hair.

Tue Jan 15 10:55:06 2002 JP Hindin , jphindin @at@ globe .dot. net .dot. nz
You see how long this thing has been here? And I'm STILL the only schmuck to have posted! COME ON people! I know you're out there!

Sun Mar 25 14:14:08 2001 JP Hindin , jphindin @at@ globe .dot. net .dot. nz
See? We do have a guestbook! PLEASE write something! :)

I've been getting spammed by junk bots recently (May those people rot in hell),
and so I've implemented this little double-verification thing. Just take the random number
below, and copy it into the text box next to it.

Your name:
Your eMail address:
Your message:

Please note: Your eMail address will NOT be sent to any kind of lists, and will remain on this page only. (Not to mention being displayed encoded so webcrawlers can't read the address herein.)