The JP Hindin Page!

Latest news?

29th Jan, 2002

Yep, I know its been awhile. (Just under a year, so sue me).
Whats happened? Not terribly much to be entirely honest. Well, of course a billion things have happened, but nothing substantial. I guess a quick review of my life might be in order. (Not that I expect anyone ACTUALLY reads this, since no bastard ever signs the GUEST BOOK!)
However: I have a work permit (June '01), I have a social security # (Sept '01, SSA lost my details and screwed it right up and then acted like I was some foreign moron with English as a second language who didn't know when shit had taken long enough), Reaffirmation of Vows in Oct '01... And thats about it!

31st March, 2001

Well, hells bells, is that a news gap or what?
Not that a single person has been eagerly reading any of this nonsense - but you know, I might as well mention while I'm updating.
I'm immigrating to be with Kate. Oh yea, we're married, didn't you hear? Yep, kind of a rush thing ('Hey honey, lets get married now since my job stinks')... But, here I am :)

7th July, 99

Twenty-six days until my love comes.
We started couting somewhere around 124 days... I can't wait.
I've been fighting an uphill battle to get my Capri legalised. I had the misfortune to end up with two quite picky inspectors, who weren't particularly helpful - however, it is an old car, and the fixes weren't extraordinarily difficult.

17th June, 99


15th May, 99

I did a little remodeling of the page, as you might (or may not) have noticed.
My life has become somewhat bleak. Oh, don't get me wrong, I've had it worse, and I've got it better than millions of other people... I'm just sick of life. Nothing interesting happens, really. I suppose I should watch what I wish for - it might come true.

30th March, 99

My my, a new year, and no updates...
I'm back in New Zealand as of Feb 20th, and I'm working fulltime again.
The plan has changed dramatically, due to my disheartening of America's work conditions. Our currents plans are for Kate to come to NZ for three weeks in August, and then I'll go back there for XMas. At least, these are my plans...
Check out my memoirs.

12th December, 98

It is a week to the day before I leave. I have the tickets (both the NZ ones and the US ones, Kate and Carol were sweethearts and paid 'em for me ;)...
I'm turning handsprings... Wish me luck.

8th November, 98

I have, to this date, been working down in Christchurch entirely like I planned. The money is fantastic, although the work is hard (I'm on my feet for 11 hours a day working)... So far I have done 253 cars (I work doing Japanese vehicle import safety compliance), which at $10NZ a car, is enough to get me to the US already...
I have the tickets booked, I'll be in the US on the 19th of December (If I'm in any earlier, I'll muck with Kates finals). Not sure how long I'll stay, but we'll see....

22nd September, 98

Been collecting a whole heap of servers and stuff... Suns, Digitals and the like. Check out my homepage, the 'My computer junk' link :)

25th August, 98

Well, let me think. The 8th of August my Kate came over from the US with her aunt, and stayed with me for 9 days. It was *great* fun, and reinforced my intentions to go to the US.
So now I've got to plan for the future - which is hopefully getting a job in the US, getting the employer to get me a work permit, and then getting into the country.
The current plan is to go down south and work for my dad for a while, and get some dosh together. I've set a rough date of the 5th of December to enter the US. Wish me luck.