During April 2000 I visited a Wellington company called Eagle Technology Group, and prised from them a scrap (But working) 4/470 for 4 dozen beer. This now brings my total to 4.
Sun 4/260
Quoted from 'The Sun Hardware Reference', James Birdsall:
Processor(s): SF9010 @ 16.67MHz, Weitek 1164/1165, Sun-4 MMU, 16
hardware contexts, 10 MIPS, 1.6 MFLOPS
CPU: 501-1274/1491/1522
Bus: VME, 12 slot
Memory: 128M physical with ECC, 1G/process virtual, 60ns cycle
Architecture: sun4
Notes: First SPARC machine. Code-named "Sunrise". Cache much like
Sun-3/2xx, uses same memory boards.
Currently I have one of my two 4/260s booting, the second machine has had
two rather large chips removed from it totally (One is an FPU, not sure
about the other).
My current predicament is that I can't get the machine booting off its SMD
Sun 4/470
Quoted from 'The Sun Hardware Reference', James Birdsall:
Processor(s): CY7C601 @ 33MHz, TI8847 (?), 64 hardware contexts, 22
MIPS, 3.8 MFLOPS, 17.6 SPECmark89
CPU: 501-1381/1899
Bus: VME
Memory: 96M physical, 128K cache
Architecture: sun4
Notes: Write-back rather than write-through cache 3-level rather
than 2-level Sun-style MMU. Code-name "Sunray" (which was also the code
name for the 7C601 CPU).
Screen capture of Shemal
The original CPU board in the first 4/470 was definately on its way out
when I first started booting it up. I bought another CPU card in the US in
Feburary of '99, and now the machine works top-notch. (Well, okay, if you
don't boot it at least once a week, you get a BAD TRAP error, but hey, its
an oldish machine).
This machine has two internal 1.3G SCSI drives, and two external 911M IPI2
drives... And my problem with this machine is that I can't get into the
SunOS! The machine is still passworded up, and I don't know any passwords
The second machine is accessable and works! I've put the two machines
together to make one, with 128 Megs of RAM.
Both machines are running a custom modified version of SunOS
Photos of my Suns:
4/260, front
4/260, back
4/470, front
4/470, back
4/470, CPU card
4/470, rear of CPU cabinet
Sun junk in Christchurch Hangar
Both 4/470s lined up
The new, packed, 4/470 from the back
Sounds of my Suns:
A MP3 of one of the HDDs spinning up